
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Let's Make Some Goals

I just read Alan Lastufka's 2011 To-Do List, and I thought it was a cool idea.  I'm not one for making New Year's Resolutions, but having a list of goals for 2011 seems a lot more acceptable to me. So, here goes:

-Graduate college
-Re-write NaNo novel from 2008
-Upload 100 videos
-Read 50 books (maybe try a nonfiction or two? maybe...)
-Exercise regularly
-Watch Dr. Who (all the recent seasons)
-Start a weekly (eventually bi- or even tri- weekly?) vlog with my roomie, J-Funk <3
-Fall in nerdfighterlike*

I think that's a pretty good list.  Some of these are more important than others, but they're all things I want to do and they're all feasible in 2011. Some of them will probably overlap, too. I'll probably count my roomie-vlogs toward my 100 videos. And I'm taking four literature classes next semester, so some of those 50 books will go towards me graduating college. And, you know, maybe if I upload lots of videos I'll get to know some awesome nerdfighter guy and fall in nerdfighterlike! You never know! :D

Anyway, I know I haven't blogged much lately... that whole blog-every-week thing kinda fell through, lol. But I did really well with uploading videos! And I'm going to continue doing that. Blogging will be kind of secondary to making videos, but I'll blog somewhat regularly, because some things are just more easily communicated through the written word.

And since I'm kind of tired and the written word isn't really coming to me in an eloquent form right now, I'm going to cut this blog short. I'll revisit my list around this same time next year and see how I did!

*hey, it worked for Alan! :)